
In March 2012, a few months after retirement,at the age of 60,  my wife, Naomi and I, decided to demolish our house completely and build ourselves a new home.

The project was completed within a year and in March 2013 we were residing in our new home.

All monies that was available for a retired life was used to complete our home. A few eyebrows were raised at this seemingly whimsical move, at the age of 60, which is considered by most, as the last lap in life’s journey..why would I be want to do a silly thing like this…
I had, in my thoughts, lived my life until then, to the fullest. Involved very much in sports and work , resulting in loads of friends, leading to socializing equally hard and thoroughly enjoying life.. And of course being aggressive and short natured at times …

But all this changed after we started coming to WoW,where the LIFE word is preached. Kirby has shown us in the WORD that JESUS came to give us life, and life more abundantly (John 10:10). We are laying hold of life. WOW has been a life changer for us both.

We have been in our brand new home for just over a year now. We have a new lease on life and have never felt better before.  – TREVOR RAJARATNAM