About WOW Life Church (WOW)

Forerunners…Prophetic Reformers.. bringing progressive revelations that will not leave Christendom looking the same.

Ministry of Transformation…A place that builds strong foundations and serves solid spiritual food (meats) that will deeply transform the believer inside out.

We are predominantly based in Sri Lanka and also have a growing number of WOW’ers in nations all across the world.

WOW belongs to the Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon (ADC) which is one of the largest charismatic denominations in the country covering over 500 churches.

How it all began

Kirby & Fiona de Lanerolle are the founders and visionaries of WOW, fathered by Neil Obeyesekere from Grace Ministries, Dubai.

Beginning in 2007, Kirby and Fiona began to share with their closest friends and family the incredible truths through their radical encounters with Jesus; their call was a supernatural launch into the deep mystical realms of Christ. Their experience revealed the unending love and grace of God that was very tangibly and indubitably available to everyone, no strings attached. Very shortly afterwards a revival broke out within their community in the city of Colombo and as the gospel was shared in nightclubs and private parties – God witnessed to His Word through amazing signs and wonders…and suddenly many people gave up their drug & alcohol habits, changed their lifestyles and began to hunger after God. They all crowded at Kirby & Fiona’s eager to learn more and experience more of Him….and God met them all..irrespective of what so called “sin” they were in, irrespective of their circumstance or stance. So diverse were these people that honestly no existing church in the city had the “technology” to foster them and the move of the Spirit that was being birthed….and so WOW was born.

For some years Kirby was led to have WOW as a closed group serving friends, family and those they brought in – until 2015 when WOW opened its doors to the public and what followed was a series of occurrences, and an exponential growth of WOW that could only bear witness to the intensity of God’s power in their lives and the mandate for which WOW is called. From supernatural signs and wonders, to the mantle and gifts of revelation and prophesy, Kirby and Fiona had embarked upon a journey much larger, far more intricate, than anything they could have intended for themselves. In the process, their story, message, and revelation of who God was to them, began to change the lives of those around them, and consequently thousands more in Sri Lanka and across the world, as it continues to do so today.

WOW stands firm in speaking of God’s unconditional love; how a relationship with the Father through His Son, empowered by the Holy Spirit is for everyone; and God has sent His Son to redeem us from the curse of the law by paying the full wages of our sin. Which is Death. How abundant life is a reality now and heaven on earth is our mandate.

WOW encourages its congregation to pursue a deeper relationship with God through the Spirit Word over learned-response religion and that God’s love and grace transforms hearts and didn’t require outward behavior modification to enter church or His presence. The WOW message endeavored to set free religiously shackled Christians, those that once felt they would never be welcome in church and those condemned and discouraged by religion.

Get to know more about WOW leadership and some of the founding members who got this party started. (Link to page with leaders)

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