
From about early 2012 signs and wonders started following me in the form of gemstones. I have collected over 40 gemstones (most of which I have sown) in total. This particular gemstone manifested on my face. Yes ………MY FACE!!! I was out on an adventurous road trip with some of my friends from WOW. I was standing on the back of my friend’s pick up truck with the wind in my face and all. I wasn’t wearing any jewelry, neither were any of my friends. When we got home one of my friends noticed something shiny on my face. He walks up to me and very casually says “oh look! you have a spec of silver dust on your face…….just check, it might be a stone”. Of course he was only kidding. Then he takes the spec and places it on my palm. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that the silver spec….actually WAS a stone! a beautiful clear cut, tiny white stone!!

From that day onward, I acquired for myself a new nickname “STONALI” – Sonali Rodrigo

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