A First for Christianity in Sri Lanka as Rev. Kirby de Lanerolle speaks on one of Sri Lanka’s popular secular radio shows. He explains the surge of churches in Sr Lanka turning towards a gospel of GRACE and the revival within the Charismatic Churches. He also went on to revealing that science is catching up with the spiritual, moving a way from Newtonian mind sets to de-materealisation. He also spoke about the future of medicine.

The radio interview was also on Facebook Live. Below are some of the videos that were broadcasted.

K on Srilankas popular talk show on the Inedic Life.

Posted by Breatharian – Inedia on Saturday, May 7, 2016

Rev Dr Kirby de Lanerole invited to speak on SriLankas popular radio show. Revealing that science is catching up with the spiritual moving a way from Newtonian mind sets; to dematerealisation. Explaing the future of medicine.

Posted by WOWLife on Saturday, May 7, 2016

Rev Dr Kirby de Lanerolle speaks on SriLankas popular secular radio show about healings, miracles, signs, wonders and how he is overseeing the rapid Church growth.

Posted by WOWLife on Saturday, May 7, 2016

A First for Christianity in SriLanka as Rev Dr Kirby de Lanerolle speaks on one of SriLankas popular secular radio shows. He explains the surge of churches in Sr Lanka turning towards a gospel of GRACE and the revival within the Charimatic Churches.

Posted by WOWLife on Saturday, May 7, 2016