Ministry of Transformation

Led by Fiona and Kirby de Lanerolle
Media Web StoreWOWLife Faith Statement

Ministry of Transformation

Led by Kirby de Lanerolle
Media Web Store

WOWLife Church is led by Fiona and Kirby de Lanerolle

WOWLife Church : A global reformation bringing the transformative fullness of Christ to the nations. A supernaturally empowered people who believe that the Christ mantle is a free gift of God through his Son to humanity. The “Christ Being” is the solution to complete the incomplete world. WOW believes in the unlimited GRACE of God!. Fiona and Kirby de Lanerolle are the founders of WOW Life Church.

WOWLife World Coach Groups

WOWLife World consists of over 350+ coach groups around the world. It’s a dynamic Reformation Movement with one simple purpose: Build a community of like minded believers across the globe with a holistic and solution-based revelation of Jesus Christ. If you wish to join a WOWLife World Coach Group use the link below to find one that suits your time zone.

🔴 Latest 5 Day Program – The Immortalist 

Kirby de Lanerolle became known for his unique views on food and energy management, making appearances on the National Geographic Channel and presenting a TEDx talk. His televised broadcast reached over 400 million households and focused on the teachings of Jesus Christ and how the Bible contains valuable wisdom for living a healthy life.

Now, more than a decade later and armed with even more knowledge and experience in biohacking, the 5 Day Program is back!

5 Day Program | Kirby de Lanerolle

The world renowned 5 Day Program started back in 2012. It has since then been held annually across the world and has gathered a huge following of people whose lives have been tremendously impacted by it. 5DP as its more famously known is conducted by Kirby de Lanerolle, it’s based on Matthew 4:4 “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” – teaching people to depend and live on Gods word to extents that manifest the supernatural. The program is continuously evolving and continues to challenge and call people out of their grid teaching them to walk in the Spirit, led by their conscience, not limited by knowledge.

#News Feed



The ‘Massco Award Ceremony - 2017’ was held recently in Colombo under the patronage of Speaker Karu Jayasuriya. On behalf of Rev Dr Kirby de Lanerolle, National Overseer General Pastor Raja Manoharan representing ADC receives award from the Speaker of the...

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The Annual Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon (ADC) Pastors Conference hosted 500 pastors from across the nation, making it the largest Charismatic pastors and leaders gathering on August 17 at the Lotus Hall, BMICH. The event was presided by Dr. Madhu Krishan,...

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#Trending Videos



#WOW Happenings

  • August 15th – 18th 2024 – Unbreakable Life. Kirby & Justin Abraham in Dallas, Texas USA at the Beeman Hotel. Register Here
  • August 18th 2024 – The Ordination with Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle in Dallas, Texas USA. Register Here
  • August 19th 2024 – The Consecreation with Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle featuring John and Kelcey Besterwitch in Dallas Texas, USA. Register Here
  • Early 2025 – 5 Day Program at Cedar Creek, USA. Await Details
  • September 2025 – Financial Flow 2 in Dallas, Texas, USA. Await Details
  • March 21-26th 2026 – Caribbean Cruise with Kirby and Fiona (Living in the Flow). Save the dates and awaith details

#Programs and Events

5 Day Program

The program is aimed to make one more aware and in tune with their conscience and teach people how to live their day to day lives in greater communion with the Spirit of God. On the program Kirby de Lanerolle introduces individuals to a new and exciting energy source. The program is designed to help everyone. Many lives have been forever transformed by it. [Read more]

City Edition

City Edition is a ministry under WOWlife church that empowers people with teachings on pragmatic spiritual dynamics within the corporate arena. WOWLife co-founder Philip Weeraratne heads this outreach ministry and is powerfully reaching the corporate world in Colombo Sri Lanka. [Read more]

WOW Games

What began as Fiona’s choice to celebrate her birthday with WOWers in an athletic fashion…has now grown to become the highly competitive and absolutely energising WOW Games! Stop exercising and start training…July is coming. [Read more]

WOW Word Awards

The word awards is all about celebrating, Jesus, the word made flesh. When all the jesus-crazy wow’ers get to speak the word, boldly tackling the questions the world asks, and celebrate the one who gave us a reason to celebrate every single second of each day. It’s a night of worship, song and dance in true WOW fashion. [Read more]

Power Ranger Program

PRP, is an initiative by national swimmer & youth pastor Roshith Perera. This program will challenge what you thought your physical limitations were. It focuses on drawing energy from non-perishable food. [Read more]

Mystical Marriage

Kirby & Fiona have been together since their school days and today have a marriage that is truly supernatural, living in the blissful experience of the “gift” of marriage. How we relation in our marriages represents how we relationship with God. It’s the precious microcosm that reflects in greater life. Marriage is so important to Kirby & Fiona and they are passionate about investing & imparting on married couples and soon to be’s. Mystical Marriage is your opportunity, no matter what your past or present; to make your union the best! And, Yes it is possible! [Read more]

Spirit Flow

This is a holistic practice of Body, Soul and Spirit in which the Word of God is woven into a flow incorporating physical movement, breathing techniques and meditation. The result is a deepening of our self -awareness and our awareness of God, a greater understanding of our inherent value and a stronger, healthier rejuvenated body. As you progress on this journey and your Spirit, Soul and Body unite in harmony, you will experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing your purpose and identity in Christ and your union with Him. [Read More]

Warehouse Project

The Warehouse Project is a community service initiative by WOW that was started back 2011. It is a model for people of all faiths to work together bridging and reconciling the hearts of communities. [Read more]

#WOWLife Ministries

Immortality Mechanics

The fullness of the cross and the Fathers love – that no man should die but have everlasting (immortal) Glorified LIFE. Death was Mans choice not GODS plan. Kirby and Fiona de Lanerolle firmly believe that the church is maturing in grace to the full stature and likeness of the image of the son of God. [Read more]

Wow Band

The journey of the Wow band began in 2009 as the brain child of Kirby de Lanerolle and Fiona de Lanerolle as they were on a mission to bring to life a new vibe of music, spirit filled entertainment that not only moves but also music that changes lives. [Read more]