After being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis 31 years ago I suffered much damage to my body, with the joints, cartilage and bones in my hands, elbows, knees, feet and ankles, experiencing extensive deterioration . This affected my life in a drastic manner as I was a dancer and fashion model and the fact that I could not dance anymore really devastated me.
My life for thirty one years was visiting hospitals a minimum of twice a month, with an equal number of medical reports being done,which included two jabs fortnightly for blood reports, to keep in check and monitor the concoction of 15 to 20 tablets being swallowed each day, along with two injections being given fortnightly as part of the medication.
After coming to WOW and hearing the Word of Life, my quality of life really improved, a few months ago I also commenced a journey that is surely transforming my life, both physically and spiritually, when I participated in a 5 day program with Prophet Kirby De Lanerolle, which laid the foundation for me to realise and be changed to live my life with a consciousness of not desiring food to the extent I had been used to and spend more time meditating on the word of God. Thus without much effort, I was eating less and was being conscious of what I was consuming as food and drink. This resulted in me losing 10 kg in weight.
A month ago my Doctor was extremely happy to note the steady improvement in my medical reports and overall condition & commented that looking at the reports, every aspect of my disease was in control.
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