Extended bonds through Christ’s love

By Sheramy Pilapitiya
The Indian National Apostolic Diocese (INAD) is the only national diocese for independent churches that has a legal mandate in India. Due respect goes to Bishop Rev. Dr. Paul R. T Maran who founded the INA. He presides over 11,000 churches in India. His great and blessed vision is to organize, educate and train the independent churches, so that they can be of service to the nation and its government. He initiates in prioritizing religious harmony as well as inter denomination reconciliation and reconciliation with other religions and every race with no exception or indifference through the INAD and the ADC (Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon) Sri Lanka.

One of the main objectives of the INAD in Sri Lanka is to upgrade the existing independent churches by means of training and getting them committed to education in the faith. Furthermore, the INAD Open University facilitates effective degrees of Divinity and Theology.

On 10 July 2015, the inauguration of this very special moment was shared between the two countries.

Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe gladly expressed his views on how Christianity has expanded throughout many regions in the world. He also related to how Emperor Asoka, a great king of India made sure that each citizen respected another’s religion and race without any ill-treatment. Wickramasighe pointed out that this is what we should continue adhering to even in the modern world.
Rev. Kirby de Lanerolle was appointed as Chief Overseer of the ADC with Rev. Benedict Fernando to help facilitate the mission. He points out that love is based on three heart conditions. One is solution-based ministry and not convention-based. The second condition is that we need to have a culture of mutual honour. Thirdly, he said we must all be ‘servants’ in the kingdom of God, no matter what post or how much wealth we possess on earth. Through his inspiring speech, it was clear that no matter how heavy our pockets might be while we live this short life-span, it’s our good deeds that really count. He emphasized on humility, which is a great quality one must acquire.

Rev. Maran started his speech by saying that both the Sinhala and Tamil language are beloved children of one mother. It was definitely a moment that touched everyone’s hearts. Rev. Maran continued to say that God recurrently ordered him to start this movement in order to educate persons in Christianity and to bring them to a great level as they strive to live in Christ’s light as servants of the Lord. He ended up his speech with these words, “This is Christ’s service. This is a beautiful and mesmerizing island where the people are great. Hence, I wish Sri Lanka would flourish in love forever together as one.”

Next, Felix Perera took the limelight as he proudly spoke of God’s wondrous love for all of us. “India is our elder brother. We are glad the INAD has enabled us to build a Sri Lankan National Diocese.” After knowing Rev. Kirby since he was a young lad, he is quite astonished at his transformation from being a naughty guy who rode horses all day and was a normal youth to becoming a very influential figure in society as a great example of spirituality. Rev. Kirby began a warehouse project that fed, clothed and educated the needy in slums as well as he voiced God’s word. He definitely epitomizes true Christianity in the present day.

Today, he is happily married to a lovely woman who encourages him and has joined him to walk in the path of spirituality and to spread the love of Christ through word and deed. Perera was sure that it’s only God who can do such a change in our lives as He guides us along the right path, and not anyone else. Just as Peter, was called the ‘Rock,’ God has called forth many more rocks to spread God’s word. Perera further pointed out that we must not divide ourselves due to the race we belong. Then, we are not expressing true Christianity. “If we believe God created the world, we should not think in a racist manner. I have never got involved in astrology in my life or even in sooth-saying because I believe in God’s perfect time and plan for each human he has created. The best doctrine in the world is God’s doctrine. I think God should be given prominence more than anything in our lives.”

Article Source : http://www.ceylontoday.lk/18-98145-news-detail-extended-bonds-through-christs-love.html
